A round trip tour of the region starting at Tomingley Gold Operations to see the extension project and hear about their efforts in exploring renewable energy solutions to support power requirements, followed by a visit to the Parkes Special Activation Precinct, which focuses on the inland rail and national logistics hub.
The tour will continue to Wellington and visit Bodangora Wind Farm, a 113.2 MW wind farm featuring 33 turbines which power 49,000 homes annually, before returning to Dubbo to investigate innovative hydrogen energy storage systems at LAVO’s Blueridge site and the proposed Dubbo Firming Power Station, which will use waste water to create green hydrogen energy.
8:30 AM: Depart Dubbo Rhino Lodge
- Q&A: The Dubbo Project and ASMs Metalisation Strategy (Dale Josephson, ASM, Acting Project Director, The Dubbo Project and Wayne Dicinoski, Process Manager)
- Viewing Platform at Peak Hill: Tomingley Gold Extension Project, and then Ambient Noise Tomography (Alex Cherry, Alkane)
- Parkes SAP Tour (Azaria Dobson, Director Activation Precincts and Partnerships, Department of Regional NSW)
- Northern Molong Porphyry Project overview (Rodney Dean, Senior Exploration Geologist)
- Bodangora Wind Farm (Michael Bullock, Senior Exploration Geologist)
- LAVO site at Blueridge (Michael Sharpe, Industry Specialist)
- The Dubbo Firming Power Station (Tim Vesey, Energy Transition Solutions)
2:45 PM: Return to Dubbo Rhino Lodge